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Snoop and ConsultMyApp – ASO Strategy for Snoop – 6-month Uplift Post-engagement

Campaign Overview

Snoop is a finance app that helps users track spending cross all their bank accounts, budget better and tap into smart spending ideas. As a multi-functional app, it’s competing across multiple categories, so ConsultMyApp’s (CMA) objectives for an ASO strategy were threefold: to increase search rates, browse rates, and conversion rates in a highly competitive Finance app space.

For search, the strategy revolved around keyword testing and optimization tactics. CMA applied a program of continuous keyword testing in both metadata fields and in-app events. It also analysed and then mimicked competitors’ high search volume keywords to divert (and steal) search traffic. For example, Yolt, one of Snoop’s primary competitors, is now out of business, but any users looking for the app will now find Snoop as an alternative.

For browse and conversion, meanwhile, it focused on feature requests, creative testing, and in-app events. Prior to the release of iOS15, it was not possible to run creative tests on the App Store, so the team evaluated the effectiveness of new creatives by monitoring their impact on browse traffic and conversion rates and adjusting accordingly. Since the release of Apple’s Product Page Optimization feature, however, it has actively run screenshot tests to ensure that there is data to support its hypothesis.

CMA pioneered in-app events in the finance market, having released its first one for Snoop just a month after Apple released the feature in October 2021. CMA says it knew it was a winning strategy when after 103 days of running four in-app events, it gained 304 downloads – the equivalent of £3,268 paid downloads (based on June’s ASA CPA of £10.75); increased App Store visibility, with 132,600 impressions, and reactivation of existing users, with 888 app opens. CMA has since continued to run a minimum of three in-app events each month.

The activity has delivered significant uplift across all KPIs. The keyword testing and optimization for search yielded a 604% monthly uplift in first-time downloads from Browse traffic, when comparing the six-month average prior to CMA’s engagement with the past six months (Jan to Jun 2022). Based on May 22’s average ASA CPA of £10, this is the equivalent of £73,430 monthly and £881,160 annualized additional paid downloads.

Making the same comparison over time, the browse and conversion strategy saw a 971% monthly uplift in first-time downloads from browse traffic. That’s equivalent to £24,570 monthly and £294,840 annualized additional paid downloads.

Another huge success metric is revealed in Snoop’s constant uplift in the Finance app category. In the six months prior to reaching second position, Snoop’s average ranking was 103. With CMA’s support, it has climbed to the top of the rankings.

Judges’ View:
“A very well thought-out and well executed campaign that delivered excellent results.”


Most Effective Finance App Campaign


Snoop and ConsultMyApp – ASO Strategy for Snoop – 6-month Uplift Post-engagement

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